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Old Posted Aug 14, 2009, 11:28 PM
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HooverDam HooverDam is offline
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^I really dislike that idea. First off, 20-30 years to tear down Chase and UofP is WAY too soon. Those stadiums will hopefully have 50 year shelf lives at least.

Secondly, whats this weird obsession people have with shoving a bunch of sports stadiums all in one area? Some idiot on AzCentral used to go on and on about putting all the stadiums downtown connected by a "looping monorail!" and that idea was silly too.

The way we have it now works out well, 2 in Tempe, 2 in Phoenix, 2 in Glendale. They all bring lots of people to their respective areas, will all eventually be connected by LRT, all bring sales tax and income to the different cities and spur development near them (though thats not so much the case w/ ASU since they own all that surrounding land).

If you put them all in one area you likely create a mono-use district thats dead a lot of the time. Furthermore you couldn't have just 'upgraded' Wells Fargo arena to a NHL hockey arena, its way too small. Youd have to tear it down and start from scratch (thus doing away with your cost savings argument) and it would be over programmed. Wells Fargo Arena already has scheduling issues with all the teams using it (thus why ASU built the Weatherup Center to help relieve that), adding a NHL team would be a nightmare.

Westgates in the middle of nowhere right now, but eventually with LRT, the 3 stadiums, the USA training facility for hoops, and hopefully that casino, itll be just another node.
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