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Old Posted Aug 13, 2009, 7:43 AM
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Sonoran_Dweller Sonoran_Dweller is offline
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Why would channel 12 move? They are in a great spot, though the building does suck.

Anyway, about channel 12... I watch them to get my daily local news in the evening. One thing I cannot stand is when they are reporting about certain crimes and 'tragic' events from throughout the city, but have someone 'on scene' from atop the roof. Whenever this happens the two hosts who sit in the studio say something like, 'lets now go out to Bob for more info.' Then the camera changes and they show one of their reporters standing on the roof, you can tell because I can see Viad Tower or the Central Library behind them. Then this reporter starts discussing some crazy act of violence miles and miles away. But on the bottom of the screen it says something like: HORRIBLE MURDER or DRUGS FOUND, then under that it says Downtown Phoenix.
I understand what channel 12 means by this. They are saying that there was a murder or drug involvement, and that they are reporting it from their studios downtown. But for someone who was casually looking or was as dumb as a doornail, it might look like there is a horrible murder downtown, or that there was a pot bust downtown. So in some ways it always looks as if all sorts of violence is happening downtown, when it is actually not. Why don't they just say 'channel 12 studios' or 'channel 12 roof'.

Is it just me or is there anyone else who gets upset by this.
Okay, end rant.

Cool thread combusean, hopefully this will allow us to think differently about our city, and allow us to think more progressive in dramatic ways, and be, like you call it, visionary.
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