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Old Posted Mar 18, 2009, 4:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Canadian Mind View Post
One thing that keeps coming up: Homeless beign displaced by the olympics.

How? The olympic villages were built on old industrial parks or forests, and most the venues are already estalished structures, with most the new ones being built on old industrial lands or forests.

I doubt many bums lived in the fenced-off industrial wastelands, and those who did probably didn't last long with some of the shit that was probably lying around there. As for being displaced from the DTES, how hard is it to relocate to a different set of streets for a month? It's not like their asses are rooted to the ground... or are they?

Besides, a large portion of the homeless are in possesion of and using vast quantities of illegal substances they shoudl have been hauled off the streets 10 years ago for anyways.

And why the hell didn't/aren't the people fit enough to protest the olympics out getting real jobs? If you are fit enough to sneak up to throw paint on the olympics clock and smash olympic lights at 2am, then you can certainly do bitch-work at the construction site for 8.50 to 10 bucks an hour. Would make construction costs and conversely overall living costs in the area cheaper so then you can afford to buy or rent.

Fucking retards.
the homeless are being displaced by the olympics because we are spending billions of dollars on the olympics instead of spending those billions on the homeless

thats what they think anyway