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Old Posted Mar 6, 2008, 5:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Gilbert View Post
Le Riopelle, c'est vrai. Le SLEB 2, le nouveau promoteur (qui est lent, c'est vrai) devrait développer le terrain ou le terrain devrait être revendu encore pour finir le développement. Probablement avec un autre design, mais quand même. Au pire, je l'enlève. C'est pas un projet de moins qui va enlever le fait que la ville se développe bien.

Pour le Chagall et le quartier parisien, as-tu des sources? Leur site internet est encore en ligne et il est encore possible de s'y inscrire.
Je n'ai pas une source direct mais il y au meeting du conseuil de District 2 (Cote-St.Luc) le 5 Decemebre 2007 de Mike Cohen (membre du conseil)

5. The Marc Chagall Twin Towers

There was great curiosity concerning the status of the Twin Towers, two 17 storey condos which were supposed to be built at the corner of Marc Chagall near Mackle. The original project has been cancelled. While the zoning, established some 20 years ago, remains in place, so does a sales office shed. The city has issued a series of infractions to the owners in the hopes that the shed will be taken down. This is all that law allows us to do. Some residents wished to know whether there is any chance the current zoning of 17 storeys could be downgraded, possibly to nine. Mr. Tordjman said this is something the city is looking into, especially now that the construction permit has failed. There was also a request to see if the area could be grassed over and beautified. Our bylaws do require that the owners of vacant land keep it clean or they face fines. We will stay on top of them in this regard. It is interesting to note that the website for the project ( remains online.
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