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Old Posted Feb 28, 2008, 12:30 AM
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Originally Posted by goodlookin' View Post
A shadowing bylaw that effects the entire CBD and pretty much guarantees
nothing will ever be built taller than the non-conforming "grandfathered" FCP is most certainly a fair comparison

And did I not also say height limits? Eventhough the OMB has overturned several city decisions, a flexible height limit of around 12 storeys remains in effect over a huge area a few short blocks to the east and west of the CBD. Also, several dozen proposals in the last few years have been either cancelled or scaled down in North York because a unflexible 100m height limit in its centre.

Sure some have it worse than other but just about every city has some sort of height limitations
Nothing in Vancouver was allowed to go above 450ft and you're complaining that nothing will ever surpass nearly 1000ft?? I dont think thats a fair comparison at all!!

Remember we are talking about the fact that hight restriction policies have negatively effected Vancouver's height more than Toronto's... not the fact that vancouver is the only city to ever have projects shot down by city bylaws.
Originally Posted by Coldrsx View Post
Vancouver has viewcones or it would be kicking some ass too kids.
Originally Posted by goodlookin' View Post
what city doesn't have shadowing bylaws, height limits, and public consultations with communities that are grossly concerned with height.

The brief 150 foot height limit on downtown Toronto in the mid-seventies still resonates in council chambers
For vancouver just to get Shangri-La to 650ft was a miracle in itself. I mean lets not all forget about Bing Thom's 600ft crystal tower which was shot down becuase an 'architectural finger' strayed 10 ft into a viewcone. I dont think there can be any doubt Vancouver's policies have had an exponentially more negative impact on height than those affecting toronto, and if it were not for those policies Vancouver would be significantly more represented in the country in terms of height.

that being said I think they have had many positive impacts on teh built form of the city as well.
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