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Old Posted Jun 6, 2007, 4:35 PM
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wburg wburg is offline
Hindrance to Development
Join Date: May 2007
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hey now travis, play nice. Ozone is expressing his opinion, and he hasn't said anything offensive in the process. I respect that. Besides, we're both midtown snobs, so I am sure we have plenty of common ground.

But now I will scream "TAKE THIS THREAD TO CUBA!" and continue to comment.

Midtown has a lot of restaurants open later now, but there isn't a lot of retail (places that sell stuff, rather than places that sell food) that stays open late. There are obvious reasons for this, but there's getting to be enough stroll-through traffic where it seems like a few businesses might consider it. I have noticed an upswing in businesses that keep their lights on in the evening, which both helps illuminate the street (more safety) and advertise the stores. I suppose that as midtown starts to wake up again we'll see more business, and someone (probably one of the little indie shops) will start staying open late on evenings other than Second Saturday and start making a mint, then others will follow suit.

Now, as to the comment by travis bickle, if someone posted that on here (assuming a moderator didn't step on them before I had the chance) my response to them would be "well then, STAY OUT OF MIDTOWN!" One of the things that drew me to midtown was its tolerance: I grew up in Citrus Heights, and got tired of the sort of things people would yell at me from pickup trucks...heck, I once got hassled by a guy who decided that my socks weren't manly enough.
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