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Old Posted May 18, 2007, 12:52 PM
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NYguy NYguy is offline
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Steps to folly

While some aides to Gov. Eliot Spitzer dither like Hamlet over the fate of the “Survivors’ Stairway,” the governor’s people at the Port Authority are making great progress at the World Trade Center site. Two things were clear from our visit to the site last week — construction is proceeding rapidly and the stairway is in the way. If it’s not yet slowing down the work, that will happen very soon.

Spitzer is still considering spending $2 million to move this misleading W.T.C. remnant back and forth. Although survivors escaping the W.T.C. in 2001 did in fact run down the stairway, the damage to the stairs was done in the months that followed the attack. As we pointed out before, keeping this humongous, 175-ton piece intact would be deception, not preservation, because too many W.T.C. visitors would believe the stairs were damaged by falling Twin Tower debris. Pieces of the stairs should be on display in the memorial museum and incorporated in the site’s Tower 2.

This week we hear the state agency that is supposed to promote economic development is not backing down from its idea to dump the stairs on Battery Park City’s Site 2B, where a school is needed to sustain the residential growth and economy of Lower Manhattan. The Empire State Development Corp. claims this will not interfere with school plans. Even if that hard-to-swallow pill were true, the plan would still be a waste of money.
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“Office buildings are our factories – whether for tech, creative or traditional industries we must continue to grow our modern factories to create new jobs,” said United States Senator Chuck Schumer.