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Old Posted May 21, 2006, 6:02 AM
revrw revrw is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Washington
Posts: 173
We'll as far as the Vox tower.....that is a go!!! Financing is in place and you have to think that Rob Brewster is excited that the development team for the U-district does not have any plans in place for any residential structures (they announced 4 new structures to be built over the next 10 years, 5 if demand is high enough...not including the new nursing facility) which means a higher occupancy rate for him since most of the Vox Tower will be apartments.

As far as the North/South Freeway is concerned......They say if they had all the financing in place, they could have it built in 10 years, but unfortunately financing is a year by year thing. They have made significate progress though. You can check out the washington state department of transportation website to see updates if you click on Spokane county. I can only picture what Spokane could be like in 2020 if all of the projects that are planned come through. N/S freeway, light rail to liberty lake, kendall yards, U-district, trolley system that runs from kendall yards through downtown to the u-district, not including all of the condos and proposed towers downtown. That would be some great infastructure in a city like Spokane. We could be the model for medium size cities!!!
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