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Old Posted Apr 2, 2024, 5:25 PM
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Steely Dan Steely Dan is offline
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Originally Posted by SIGSEGV View Post
All you're succeeding in arguing is that Americans are more wasteful....
And stupid.

I'm so glad I'm my father's son.

He's not a very good American.

He always told me "NEVER put your money in a car. Cars are appliances, not investments. Find the sweet spot on the venn diagram between affordability, reliability, and gas mileage, then buy that car and drive it into the ground. Put your money into actual investments like stocks, bonds, or real estate".

By not owning a car as a bachelor, and now only owning a single modest car as the head of a 4 person household (and driving it very little), I couldn't even begin to calculate how much extra wealth I've built over the decades simply by following my father's sage and frugal car advice.
"Missing middle" housing can be a great middle ground for many middle class families.
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