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Old Posted Mar 20, 2024, 7:36 PM
lio45 lio45 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Also, looking at the environmental footprint, a good old reliable car that barely gets used is a lot closer to "no car" than to "I have a car and drive it everywhere all the time". It's not all or nothing. Sacrificing your car would have little impact on the environment.

My trucks are pretty damn green, knowing they only serve when needed, are old, were bought used, and might even have been scrapped right now if it hadn't been for me (i.e. at the end of that chain of causality, a new truck gets manufactured because someone needs it.) There's probably no realistic greener way to occasionally take heavy stuff from point A to point B, except to use animal or human slave labor.
Suburbia is the worst capital sin / La soberbia es considerado el original y más serio de los pecados capitales
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