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Old Posted Feb 26, 2024, 10:35 PM
DetroitMan DetroitMan is offline
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Legislators aim to get serious about improving public transit

Lawmakers who want Michigan to get serious about public transportation are banding together in hopes of better funding the system and elevating its importance in the Capitol.

The newly formed transit caucus, a group of around four-dozen legislators — more than 40% of those serving — will hold an inaugural meeting this week. The goal, organizers say, is to advocate for ways to improve transit at a time the service has been called "disconnected and unreliable" for residents statewide by a commission Gov. Gretchen Whitmer tasked with tackling the state's stagnant population.

A robust, well-functioning transit system is critical to the state's future ability to compete for jobs and talent, particularly as young people are driving less, according to the report sent to the Democratic governor in December. "Our goal with this is to be very targeted and say, 'What are short-term and long-term priorities that we can advance to support public transit throughout the state of Michigan' and to just get at it and start doing it," said Rep. Jason Morgan, a one-term Ann Arbor Democrat who formed the caucus with first-term Democratic Rep. Mike McFall of Hazel Park.

Public transportation, supporters say, helps residents get to work and school without a car, is important for young people, protects the environment and is an economic engine.

"We felt that the discussion needed to be elevated beyond the counties and the cities and up to the state level," McFall said. "That way we can make sure we can hopefully secure some additional funding and some reliable funding."

The group is dominated by Democrats, who currently lead the Legislature. But a handful of Republicans are participating, too.

The focus comes as advocates and some lawmakers push back against Whitmer's latest budget proposal.

Funding for local bus operations would drop from $261 million to $221 million, mainly due to a one-time boost of federal pandemic aid ending. Environmental organizations and groups like Transportation Riders United, a Detroit-based nonprofit, are advocating for an increase to $276 million to account for inflation.

They ultimately want the state to spend at least $350 million annually. That would bring its share of operating assistance reimbursements to 80 transit agencies to 50% in urban areas and 60% in rural areas, the ceilings under current law. The state funded 29% of urban costs and 35% of rural costs in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.

"That is money that goes directly into our communities to improve bus service and accessibility," Morgan said. "It doesn't require a new program or a new fund. The bus operators throughout the entire state benefit. It's a very tangible way to improve public transit and to invest in it."

Whitmer did propose $50 million more for a separate item, transit- and rail-related capital spending, which would be funded with federal money and increased restricted revenues. She also floated $30 million in grants for local transit agencies to spur "innovation" to connect Michiganders with new transportation options.

"How are we going to ask our transit agencies to do something innovative when we can't even fund them properly for the operations and things they do already?" said Tim Minotas, deputy legislative and political director of the Sierra Club's Michigan chapter.

He urged legislators to fund transit at higher levels on an ongoing, not one-time, basis. The size of the transit caucus, he said, is a "sign that there many in the Legislature that want to get serious on this issue."

The problem is there are competing budget priorities, including in transportation. The County Road Association last week called for an extra $2.3 billion-plus in funding to property maintain and restore county roads and bridges, saying the need has grown by roughly $500 million in just two years.

Public transportation programs account for 12% of the transportation budget, roads and bridges 83%, according to the nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency. The budget is largely funded with fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees, and Whitmer has ruled out a gas tax increase after the Legislature rejected her 45-cent hike in 2019.

She has said she welcomes transit-funding talks as lawmakers consider her budget plan.
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