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Old Posted Feb 5, 2024, 6:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Truenorth00 View Post
I am mostly going to leave the independence discussion to the other thread and to the benevolent tutelage of the colonials by the Parisien.

But on the economics, I will say that past is not going to be a guide to the future. The last few referendums happened when Quebec was more prosperous but also far less integrated into the global economy. Today's deindustrialization is much more underpinned by global supply chains but also highly dependent on access the American market. And I'm not so sure that populist America would be interested in the same deals with a smaller Québec. And even less so if a lot of ex-Canada was absorbed into the US.

For example, a huge part of Quebec's aerospace and defence sector benefits from access to the US because of ITARs exemptions and qualifications under various bilateral or Five Eyes cooperation. Most of that would almost guaranteedly disappear with independence. Scotland is having the same discussion about naval shipbuilding over there. Si cela en vaut la peine peut être décidée seulement par les gens de Québec.
Quebec in 1980 and 1995 was not more prosperous than today, not in actual terms nor relative to the rest of Canada, the US or the western world.

I agree that it's much more integrated with its neighbours and the world economically, as we all are.
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