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Old Posted Nov 8, 2023, 7:01 PM
Drybrain Drybrain is offline
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Originally Posted by jonny24 View Post
I have an Irish coworker who moved here in March but has been living with in laws till this month. While he was getting all his bills and utilites set up he asked me if gas for heating was optional!

"What happens if you just don't have heat?"

"Um... you freeze to death"

Apparently his parents get by with a wood fireplace in the main room, a plug in space heater in the bedroom, and lot of sweaters!
I visited a friend in Ireland a few years ago, and in his parent's large suburban house, they just heated the room they were in and closed the door to adjacent rooms. This had nothing to do with it being an old house or anything like that (every room had its own radiator), it was just that with no concern for frozen pipes or truly dangerous temperatures, they could just crank the heat down in little-used rooms and save money. But it was...not comfortable.
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