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Old Posted Oct 24, 2023, 2:18 PM
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Originally Posted by savevp View Post
In my experience, there is more resentment toward Canadians who jump ship to the US than those Canadians of convenience in farther flung lands that we never see. It feels like a betrayal or selling-out.

Though this resentment probably doesn't apply much to Canadian citizens living in countries we have cultural affinity toward like Australia, NZ, or the UK. Or perhaps France.

It's worth noting that most of the Western world applies citizenship by blood rather than land of birth. It seems to be a practice largely confined to the Americas. So if Rafik from Beirut spent a year in Melbourne and had a kid before flying home, Australia isn't evacuating that kid.
Most major western countries don't really apply jus sanguinis though, but use a modified approach to jus soli that simply isn't as automatic as what Canada and the US do.
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