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tovangar2 Dec 25, 2012 9:47 PM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5950111)

You don't need to run them by me. Looking back in the thread might help in your research, though, either through the "Search this Thread" tool at upper right or via Google with this placed in the search bar:

"insert search terms here" noirish

I'm a dolt. I've been using the "Search" feature near the center of the second tool bar from the top. Thx yet again.

GaylordWilshire Dec 25, 2012 10:58 PM Angeles Times July 30,1933

A few modern backyard scenes along the Brookside creek... Colin Campbell

tovangar2 Dec 26, 2012 12:07 AM

955 Orme Ave

Originally Posted by Mayor Shaw (Post 5949850)
Merry Christmas to all. Thanks for the many informative and entertaining posts throughout the year.

And a very Merry Christmas to you (and every devotee of the Julian calendar), you rogue. As bad-boy mayors go, you're the best.

scene of the crime, 955 Orme Ave

tovangar2 Dec 26, 2012 12:22 AM

Waterways and rights-of-way

Originally Posted by FredH (Post 5949992)

I love this image as it combines reminders of two old systems, the waterways and the P.E. rights-of-way. I can only hope that someday Angelenos will be seaching for faint traces of the old LA freeway system. That'll be the day.

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 12:50 AM

Rooftop pony rides at the Downtown May Co. Unk date.

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 12:56 AM

1937 - Myer Siegel & Co. Department store. Designed by architect Allen G. Siple, the Westwood Village store, located at 1025 Westwood Boulevard, opened in December 1937.

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 1:01 AM

In keeping with "the" season, "Santa Claus Lane" aka Hollywood Blvd.




1948 - Mayor Bowron


December 25, 1947 - Pacific Electric depot in Sierra Madre.

Merry Xmas - Good Health and Good Fortune to all Noir'ers.

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 2:01 AM

Gordon's Liquors 243 S. Beverly Drive, BH (?)

tovangar2 Dec 26, 2012 2:07 AM

Myer Siegel & Co. Westwood

Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5950168)
1937 - Myer Siegel & Co. Department store. Designed by architect Allen G. Siple, the Westwood Village store, located at 1025 Westwood Boulevard, opened in December 1937.

Thank you! Another savable building. I always wondered what it started out as. The original verticals are wonderful. It's great how the (brass/chrome?) piping emerges from the facade and then passes behind the display windows, repeating the lines above the entrance canopy. Plus another expanse of mysterious and glamorous glass brick. The row of little buttons along the roofline is delightful. All in all, a really nicely integrated design.

(I wish someone would politely explain to the city that street trees should be planted between facades, if at all possible, and not smack in front of them.)

P.S. It's great too to see the old "Desmond's" sign just to the north. And here's the store:
(Looks like Myer Siegel had some signage up at this point)
usc digital library
duke university digital libraries

(I wonder if this sign was sited on the Miracle Mile or in Santa Monica. Pretty naughty either way.)

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 2:22 AM

Circa 1925 - Washington Furniture Co., located on Hill St. and Washington Blvd

1928 - Christmas Tree Decorating at St. Marks Hotel, Venice

1930 - Hollywood Blvd. "Santa Claus Lane"

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 2:32 AM

1937 Hollywood Blvd looking toward Ivar.

1937 Hollywood Blvd toward Cahuenga

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 2:47 AM

1929 - 7th Street (Near 735 W 7th) alllapl

1929 - Sixth and Olive Streets

tovangar2 Dec 26, 2012 2:54 AM

International Mart - 1927

Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5950202)
Circa 1925 - Washington Furniture Co., located on Hill St. and Washington Blvd

Holy cow, I wish the tradition of the 80' tree had been kept up. What a sight! With all the boughs on the ground, it looks as if the crew means to fill in the full length.

Too bad the great cartouche over the door is gone, plus bits of other trim, but most especially that huge weathervane(?) sailing ship at the roof peak. It must have been 4 or 5 feet tall at least.

Is this building reminding anyone else of Johnson's AT&T bldg in NYC? Like a big chiffrobe. Just needs some cabriole legs.

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 2:55 AM

1928 Christmas Pageant at City Hall

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 3:10 AM

December 23, 1937 - Marion Davies' Tudor Revival home, located at 1700 Lexington Road in Beverly Hills.

BifRayRock Dec 26, 2012 3:27 AM

1950 Hollywood Blvd.

tovangar2 Dec 26, 2012 4:13 AM

Pacific Mutual Complex, 6th & Olive

Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5950214)
Sixth and Olive Streets

The third Pacific Mutual Building was built in 1926, the original corner building was remodeled in 1929 (so the net says), making this Christmas 1926, '27 or '28. What a treat for workers on the surrounding 2nd or 3rd floors to have these fantasies outside their windows.

A memorable group of pedestrians:

Thx BRR for all the neat pix. You made my day.

Lwize Dec 26, 2012 2:36 PM
(image - LA Times)


Originally Posted by LATIMES.COM
Maps alter the course of several lives

Mount Washington man leaves behind a collection whose discovery affects a number of disparate people in profound ways.

By Bob Pool, Los Angeles Times

December 26, 2012

None of them could have predicted the direction their lives would take when tens of thousands of maps were discovered this fall in a tiny cottage at the top of Mount Washington.

Just ask the librarian, the neighbor, the real estate agent and the retired Air Force man in Las Vegas, whose fates converged around the collection amassed over half a century by John Everett Feathers, who died of AIDS in February.

The cottage was crammed with bound atlases, wall-size roll-up maps and globes. Crates and cabinet drawers were filled with fold-out street maps. A gutted stereo case was even stuffed with maps where its electronic innards had once been.

The astonishing collection was uncovered by the real estate agent hired by the owners of the 948-square-foot house where Feathers had lived to empty out its contents. Told to throw out whatever he found, Matthew Greenberg instead called the Los Angeles Central Library's Glen Creason.

Creason went to take a look; what he saw would make the downtown library into one of the country's leading map archives and turn his life upside down.

It took weeks to unpack the 220 cardboard boxes that he and a group of movers, library workers and volunteers hauled from the cottage in October. It may take years to sort through all of the maps. Volunteers gathered one Saturday earlier this month and started organizing the maps by geographic area. Eventually each map will bear a Dewey Decimal System number.

Creason is already using Feathers' maps to answer library patrons' questions. One inquiry dealt with the locations of World War II era Civil Defense stations. A 1942 Jack Renie street guide held the answer. Previously, the library did not have any Renie guides earlier than the 1949 edition, Creason said.

"It's been really fun. These maps have attracted so much attention. I've gotten emails from all over the country. People come in and actually know my name," he said, with a laugh. "It's been really positive for the library. It's been a good thing."

Greenberg has found that the maps' discovery was a game changer for him, too. The unwitting public service he performed has given him new perspective on his real estate work and his life.

"Personally, the experience at the house was life changing. Giving away the maps was like the pebble in the lake: There was a ripple effect. It's made me look at things differently. With my work, right now I'm as busy as I could ever be," he said.

Earlier this month he was invited to discuss the maps' discovery at a rare books fundraiser at the downtown library and met several of Feathers' friends. They filled in some of the blanks about the collector's life for Greenberg.

The maps' discovery changed the fate of his listing, too. Greenberg had expected to have the lot subdivided for new homes. But the flurry of October map-packing attracted the attention of Mount Washington residents, among them Maureen Burke, who walked over with a neighbor to see what was going on.

There they met Greenberg, and Burke mentioned she was looking to move out of the small nearby guesthouse she rents and buy a tiny house of her own. When she heard that Feathers' old cottage was being viewed as a tear-down, she inquired about buying it.

Escrow closed earlier this month; and Burke, an advertising makeup artist, plans to move in when renovations are completed in early spring.

"I'd been renting 7 1/2 years on this same street and was being outbid for everything in my price range that I found," she explained. "Without sounding too out there, I'll say that how this turned out feels amazing."

Burke purchased the property from the estate of Walter Keller, who had been Feathers' companion before his own death two years ago. Keller had arranged with his brother and sister, twins Marvin Keller and Esther Baum, for Feathers to stay there rent-free as long as he lived.

"I told Marv I understand why his brother loved living there so much. The views are wonderful, the neighbors are nice," said Burke. "Walter liked to have parties. I told them that after I move in, I'll have a party and invite them."

Baum and Keller were happy with the $450,000 selling price, Greenberg said. "It was a good deal for everybody."

While Burke's purchase was still in escrow, she and Creason found two more boxes of maps that had been overlooked, hidden beneath some stairs.

The enthusiasm over Feathers' maps has made his father look at his son differently.

John Elmer Feathers, now an 82-year-old Air Force veteran and VA retiree who lives in Las Vegas, said he and his son had drifted apart in the last years of his life. "He didn't want to be a burden when he got AIDS," the elder Feathers said.

His son began collecting maps when he became an avid National Geographic reader as a boy, according to Feathers. "All of the magazines came with maps in them. After that, he would pick up free maps at gas stations when we were on road trips. He loved to travel all of his life."

The younger Feathers, nicknamed Jeff by the family, grew up a loner. He was born at an Air Force base hospital in Massachusetts with a cleft palate that caused speech problems that led him to be tagged a slow learner, his father said. In Los Angeles, he worked as a hospital dietitian and spent virtually all he earned buying more maps.

The elder Feathers said his son would be pleased to know that people will be able to use his maps for generations to come.

"It sounds like the library is going to do him up proud. He'd appreciate that.",2946680.story

ethereal_reality Dec 26, 2012 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5950202)
Circa 1925 - Washington Furniture Co., located on Hill St. and Washington Blvd


The following are reposts from way back in 2011.


As usual, there's a bit of noir.

GaylordWilshire even rustled up some Mode O' Day clothing here.


tovangar2 Dec 26, 2012 11:04 PM

Abigail Stark & Martz Flats

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5271875)

Looking for something else I found this wonderful undated photo above previously posted by e_r. I think (unless I've got totally turned around again) that must be the intersection of 7th & Flower
in the center of the photo with Abigail Stark's house (discussed on the previous page) on the right, just to the north of the Romanesque First Baptist church:

The First Baptist church with Miss Stark's house on the right margin:

Miss Stark's house didn't rate inclusion on this 1909 map:

There were 8 or 9 churches grouped in this area from around the turn of the 20th century. That should be the Congregational church, near Hope and 8th, at the top of the large photo,
across from the onion-domed B'nai Brith temple, and the First Christian church further out and to the right at Hope & 11th (?)

The big YMCA bldg at 715-29 S Hope confused me as I expected it to look like this:

The Martz Flats didn't seem to match this photo:
(previously posted by kznyc2k on page 538

...but then I realized they too had been remodeled (& more than half demolished):
ucla (also previously posted by e_r)

this one looks like it was taken from in front of the Stark home
(with the Roosevelt Bldg in the background):

Ms. Stark certainly had a varied environment throughout her almost 70 years at 723 South Flower.
In 1871, when Abigail was twelve, 7th St was the last street on the sw edge of town
with the exception of Grasshopper/Pearl/Figueroa:

Jim Stark (no relation)

I hope you're all having a nice Boxing Day (be kind to your servants).

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