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ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 2:30 AM

Such a fantastic post on the old Charnock Building Flyingwedge! You just can't beat 'feet on the ground' photography.
I smiled when I saw the Rosslyn sign reflected in the window in your first photo.


Originally Posted by Flyingwedge (Post 6170604)
Entrance to Pershing Hotel, June 2013 (all color shots by me):

Wider view of Main Street frontage:

Second story detail. I hope they restore that chimney:

Looking southeast:

What is that oversized 'sunburst' weather thingy on the roof?

CityBoyDoug Jun 20, 2013 4:32 AM

For sale...

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6170536)
CBD, I never imagined the incinerators being sold like that. I pictured them in Sears. Were they sold in vacant lots like christmas trees?
kinda kidding...kinda not. :)

ER: I believe they were sold at stores that carried things like brick, tile, cement and gravel. Basically building supplies stores that had an outdoor yard. The ones we see in the photo are floor to speak.

The incinerator would arrive at your home like a kit and the installer would strap the pieces together with metal straps...very similar to packaging today.

I recall the heavy wire spark stopper at the top. It could get so hot it would glow red-orange.

You always had to have matches handy....;) During that era all LA had for trash pickup was a nasty stinky garbage truck that would creep around and sling your wet leftovers into the box. Everything else had to be burned in your backyard incinerator. Can you imagine millions of these things belching smoke?

By 1957 people voted them down. They had to go. It was well known that they were a major cause of smog.

Here is a lady getting a ticket for her still operating incinerator.
They were banned Sept, 1957 in Los Angeles County and elsewhere.
Right - Steel strapping tools with reel of strapping steel.

tovangar2 Jun 20, 2013 5:52 AM


Originally Posted by DGMiller (Post 6170681)
I've had trouble finding decent maps...

You can give this one a miss:

Welcome to the thread:-)

Chuckaluck Jun 20, 2013 2:06 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6170451)

Tragic and terrible.

Prior to seeing the post, I had been exploring Weegee's Hollywood combat zone encounters. Of course he usually visited the scene after most of the clothes and dust had settled. Obviously vigilance and luck are precious commodities.

Chuckaluck Jun 20, 2013 2:27 PM

Hollywood and Franklin - undated - looking southeast

Sunset and Highland (Undated - Looking west on Sunset)

Looking north on Highland Ave. toward Franklin - probably '37-'38

Hollywood, Highland and Monte Banks (Yes, a repost.)

Circa '35 H and Highland without Banks

Hollywood and Highland '26

Chuckaluck Jun 20, 2013 2:30 PM

Sign circa '37. 2500 N Highland Ave. Cemetery was replaced by the 101 Freeway.

2035 N. Highland - Am Legion Post

ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 3:07 PM

CityBoyDoug, do you see anything familiar in this photo? :)

ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 3:10 PM


Originally Posted by Chuckaluck (Post 6171083)

This is where that poor girl was stabbed yesterday.

CityBoyDoug Jun 20, 2013 3:13 PM

Far right side.....

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6171132)
CityBoyDoug, do you see anything familiar in this photo? :)

ER: of those backyard infernos. lol.

Chuckaluck Jun 20, 2013 3:45 PM


Originally Posted by Chuckaluck (Post 6171083)

The wet streets pictured in the first photo do not appear to have been the result of normal precipitation. Notice the dry spots nearest the curbs and sidewalks and further in the background. Normal dust abatement and street cleaning? Setup-aftermath of impromptu second unit stunt? Broken water main? Wacky weather?

Can commiserate with the fellow at the far left intersection corner. Use zoom feature. Looks like his suit got "muddied." Not a good look for the eventual "Walk of Fame." :no:

ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 5:25 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6169782)
We've seen many photographs of the Los Angeles County Hospital, but I've never noticed the covered pedestrian bridge at lower left before.

I'm guessing the other 'bridge-like' structure is an extension of the hospital powerhouse (with the two chimneys).
I bet there are tunnels all over this place. Has anyone ever seen blueprints? It's truly a gem.

Here's an additional photo showing the covered ped-way I mentioned as well as the power plant. (lower right)

Well, I finally found out what the larger bridge-like structure is. It's a viaduct connecting the new hospital with the older hospital buildings.

Transporting supplies in one of the hospital's tunnels 1934.

This was taken during construction, but there was no other information. Anyone want to wager a guess what this is showing?

ambulances 1958

Los Angeles County Hospital 1931

tovangar2 Jun 20, 2013 6:34 PM


Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug (Post 6171145)
ER: of those backyard infernos. lol.

TWO of 'em! (And my underwear. Damn, I knew I shoulda brought the wash in.)

CityBoyDoug Jun 20, 2013 7:31 PM

General Hospital calling Dr. Kildare.....

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6171365)


Mail & package sorting at the left of this hall, ER. That's my guess.

Any guesses as what this room is at LA County Hospital taken in 1931?

ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 7:44 PM

I shudder to think CBD. -looks like a meat locker.

Do they actual hang dead bodies or does that just happen in movies?


ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 8:07 PM

ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 8:30 PM

One of my favorite memories is going to Canter's Deli after the bars closed. It was usually packed at 2 or 3 in the morning

Fairfax District


I love the little flags.

ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 9:01 PM

Canter's Deli was located at 439 N. Fairfax when it first came to Fairfax District in 1948.
Five years later it moved a few door down to where it is today.

ethereal_reality Jun 20, 2013 9:34 PM

I found this photograph of the Princess Hotel on ebay yesterday.

After looking through several city directories, I finally found the Princess in the 1915 directory.

It still stands, minus all the elements that made it attractive, at 722 S. Bonnie Brae

tovangar2 Jun 20, 2013 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug (Post 6171589)

Any guesses as what this room is at LA County Hospital taken in 1931?

Sure looks like the autopsy room.


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6171683)
One of my favorite memories is going to Canter's Deli after the bars closed. It was usually packed at 2 or 3 in the morning

I still have a bit of nostalgia for the old Esquire (1937-51), the previous tenant of what is now Canter's, even though I'm too young to actually remember it.
I knew people who loved it and mourned it's passing. They're gone now too.

Krell58 Jun 20, 2013 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6171610)
I shudder to think CBD. -looks like a meat locker.

Do they actual hang dead bodies or does that just happen in movies?


They are on carts, unless they have the individual doors with the sliding shelve in it. Our hospital had a walk in cooler, well, walk for the person pushing the cart.

DGMiller Jun 21, 2013 2:11 AM


Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 6170922)

It is truly atrocious.

Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

Noircitydame Jun 21, 2013 2:46 AM

Co. Morgue
Gosh, these photos may help clear up a big mystery for me. The LAPL has a bunch of photos of the coroner's office, lab, jury room, autopsy room, etc. dated 1932 that I figured had to have been taken for some occasion (like, the opening of a new coroner's facility), but couldn't find out any infomation about it. It must have been the opening of the morgue at county hospital. What about the morgue being in the basement of Hall of Justice, though - was that later in time, or something different all together? Just a few from several in the LAPL collection - I don't see that meat-hooky thing on the ceiling.
Door leading from the hearse to the Los Angeles Coroner's Department receiving room on February 7, 1932.
The Los Angeles Coroner's Department autopsy chamber or embalming room on February 7, 1932.
Interior of the cooling room or vaults of the Los Angeles County Morgue in 1932, showing a cadaver covered with a sheet.
Three cadavers being processed in the embalming and posting room of the Los Angeles County Morgue in 1932.
Cool room at the morgue 1932.

Albany NY Jun 21, 2013 2:49 AM

Hey, DeMille! I'm ready for my close-up!
Originally posted by Chuckaluck

Hollywood, Highland and Monte Banks (Yes, a repost.)

I remembered seeing this shot before, but I never noticed the cameraman filming from
the car at the right (or maybe it's the original Googlemobile!).

CityBoyDoug Jun 21, 2013 4:40 AM

Your dinner tray at five....
Well fellow noir aficionados, this is the meat dressing room attached to the County Hospital kitchen. To the left is the cold locker and to the right are meat cutting machines. Two sinks to keep everything clean. It appears they bought the meat in full sides form. Thanks for everyone's cool and brave comments..!!!

Today, almost all hospitals have the patient meals brought to the hospital 3 times a day in catering trucks. Hospitals with full kitchens are a thing of the past.
LAPL collection

CityBoyDoug Jun 21, 2013 4:50 AM

"It's alive...."

Originally Posted by Noircitydame (Post 6172189)
Gosh, these photos may help clear up a big mystery for me. The LAPL has a bunch of photos of the coroner's office, lab, jury room, autopsy room, etc. dated 1932 that I figured had to have been taken for some occasion (like, the opening of a new coroner's facility), but couldn't find out any infomation about it. It must have been the opening of the morgue at county hospital. What about the morgue being in the basement of Hall of Justice, though - was that later in time, or something different all together? Just a few from several in the LAPL collection - I don't see that meat-hooky thing on the ceiling.[/URL]
Cool room at the morgue 1932.

Oh my, NCD, your selection of photos made my day. Yikes, noir for sure. What are those 'spots' on the floor?

rick m Jun 21, 2013 5:33 AM


Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 6171956)
Sure looks like the autopsy room.

I still have a bit of nostalgia for the old Esquire (1937-51), the previous tenant of what is now Canter's, even though I'm too young to actually remember it.
I knew people who loved it and mourned it's passing. They're gone now too.

Guess that the Melrose Ave location of Esquire Theater frequented by my bunch in early 70s was it's final site - Rev. Troy Perry of MCC had his earliest church services here as well. Across from Paramount .

ethereal_reality Jun 21, 2013 9:25 PM

'General' has replaced 'County'. When did that happened?

ethereal_reality Jun 21, 2013 9:36 PM

Who is Pam?

Chuckaluck Jun 21, 2013 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by rick m (Post 6172421)
Guess that the Melrose Ave location of Esquire Theater frequented by my bunch in early 70s was it's final site - Rev. Troy Perry of MCC had his earliest church services here as well. Across from Paramount .

This is a head scratcher - for me. I recall visiting a standalone theater on Melrose in the early '80s for a private screening. It was opposite the Paramount Lot (on the same side of the street as Lucy's but further east). Presumed the theater was then being used by an acting troupe. It had a viable concession stand. Could it have gone by a different name, or no advertised name (for private screenings)? I distinctly remember it being nondescript brown and assumed it had been around for several years, if not decades. Still, I see no listing for a theater in the '62 or '73 directories, nor do I see any mention of a theater near this location in any of the usual source sites, e.g., cinema treasures. This is not to be confused with what was once known as Jensen's Melrose Theater at 4315 Melrose Ave.

ethereal_reality Jun 21, 2013 11:36 PM

Slide found on ebay. I believe that says the Snafu Coffee Shop.


and there's Transocean Air Lines, which sounds like one of those quasi-generic made up names that movie studios use.
(like in Airport77...etc.)

tovangar2 Jun 22, 2013 12:44 AM

Update on the dead-tourist-in-the-Cecil-Hotel-water-tank case:

And the latest on Pasadena's Suicide Bridge:

And uh-oh, trouble at the Alexandria:

@LAScanner (9:36pm)
DOWNTOWN: Fisticuffs @ 5th & Spring St. 10 combatants. No winners. LAPD enrte.

belmont bob Jun 22, 2013 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6173349)

My grandmother worked for the hospital starting in 1925 until she moved north in 1945 in an office function. I always knew the place as General, but later I rememeber it being County General. The who, when, where and why might be found in old county board of supervisor records...that's if anyone cares...I have some of her old notes and records...there may be reference to the place and what she thought the name was. I'll have to dig.... So the timing seems backwards, but it was bureaucrats who made the change so who knows….

Whomever did the tile work knew what he was doing, but just couldn’t duplicate years of wear and weather…

But the big Q is...where is this fine job of tile work located?

Mstimc Jun 22, 2013 4:06 AM

Hi All--
You may already have seen this, but there's a very nice write-up on Pail Williams in today's (Saturday's) L.A. Times,1295901.story

CityBoyDoug Jun 22, 2013 4:10 AM

Thank you Tovangar...

Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 6173557)
Update on the dead tourist in the Cecil Hotel water tank case:

I'm so happy that Los Angeles health officials have declared that a rotting dead body floating in a tank of drinking water is not a health hazard. I was a bit concerned but now I can sleep at night.

Noirish is such is such a wonderful fount of good news.

An old picture of the City Boy taken in Mexico City, .Distrito Federal

CityBoyDoug Jun 22, 2013 4:34 AM

LA's most prominent architect....

Originally Posted by Mstimc (Post 6173711)
Hi All--
You may already have seen this, but there's a very nice write-up on Pail Williams in today's (Saturday's) L.A. Times,1295901.story

A Paul William's interior was always oozing swanky class.

Joe Gillis Jun 22, 2013 7:25 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6173496)
Slide found on ebay. I believe that says the Snafu Coffee Shop.


and there's Transocean Air Lines, which sounds like one of those quasi-generic made up names that movie studios use.
(like in Airport77...etc.)

What do you suppose 'Nothing but ties' actually sells?

Earl Boebert Jun 22, 2013 2:15 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6173496)
Slide found on ebay. I believe that says the Snafu Coffee Shop.


and there's Transocean Air Lines, which sounds like one of those quasi-generic made up names that movie studios use.
(like in Airport77...etc.)

Transocean, AKA Taloa, originated the motto of Air America: "Anything, Anywhere, Anytime." Draw your own conclusions :-)



tovangar2 Jun 22, 2013 4:51 PM


Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug (Post 6173726)
One of his designs was the iconic LAX Theme building.

The Paul William's Project, to their credit, is still trying to debunk that one:

"In 1965 a few years after the opening of the airport, Julius Shulman photographed Paul R. Williams in front of the unique white Theme Building at LAX (above). Dana Goodyear in her 2005 New Yorker essay, Hotel California, believes this single image may have led to the popularly held belief that Williams designed the Theme Building. Goodyear wrote, "Despite the many articles and books crediting him, Williams was not on the design team for the Theme pavilion. He was a member of the joint-venture office for the entire airport project." Alfred E. Willis, a scholar from Hampton University, presented a paper at the February 2009 College Art Association meeting supporting Goodyear's premise."


CityBoyDoug Jun 22, 2013 7:04 PM


Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 6174108)
The Paul William's Project, to their credit, is still trying to debunk that one:

"In 1965 a few years after the opening of the airport, Julius Shulman photographed Paul R. Williams in front of the unique white Theme Building at LAX (above). Dana Goodyear in her 2005 New Yorker essay, Hotel California, believes this single image may have led to the popularly held belief that Williams designed the Theme Building. Goodyear wrote, "Despite the many articles and books crediting him, Williams was not on the design team for the Theme pavilion. He was a member of the joint-venture office for the entire airport project." Alfred E. Willis, a scholar from Hampton University, presented a paper at the February 2009 College Art Association meeting supporting Goodyear's premise."

Thanks Tovangar for the correction. I guess I really take the prize for landing on a photo of a building not by Paul Williams.

Orphaned at the age of four, Williams was the only African American student in his elementary school. He studied at the Los Angeles School of Art and Design and at the Los Angeles branch of the New York Beaux-Arts Institute of Design Atelier, subsequently working as a landscape architect. He went on to attend the University of Southern California, School of Engineering, designing several residential buildings while still a student there. Williams became a certified architect in 1921, and the first certified African-American architect west of the Mississippi.

Long Beach Naval Station ~ Main Building [demolished] When I was stationed at the Navy Base LB, I visited this building once. At the time I didn't know it was a Williams design. The late LA TV personality Huell Howser tried in vain to save these buildings.
Here is a video about Mr. Williams.

His elegant homes for movie stars were noted for their grand entryway stairs.

AlvaroLegido Jun 23, 2013 8:24 PM

Grand entryway stairs

Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug (Post 6174238)
His elegant homes for movie stars were noted for their grand entryway stairs.[/SIZE]

It's like being in a 1940's studio set (remember Suspicion by Alfred Hitchcock and countless other grand stairs). Maybe that's what movie stars wanted to feel at home.

kznyc2k Jun 23, 2013 8:37 PM

Hey guys, haven't checked in here in a long time but Arnold Hylen's grand niece is running a Facebook page dedicated to Arnold here:

Anyway his niece is posting never before seen pictures there, including color shots of which the Cal State Library has none. So it's quite the thrill to be going through my Facebook feed and see new-old LA shots peppered throughout. Unfortunately, details on dates or locations are at a bare minimum, so you'll just have to put your detective caps on as you look at these shots!
EDIT: this is the Herman Baer house at 221 South Olive
(^ this shot is reversed)

Chuckaluck Jun 23, 2013 11:02 PM

"Lucy's of Hollywood? (Lucy's Ladies Apparel or Lucy's Ladies Wear? 6368 Hollywood Blvd. Source identifies photos as "Lucy's Department Store.")


ethereal_reality Jun 23, 2013 11:19 PM

Thanks for the heads up on the Arnold Hylen photos kznyc2k. I look forward to checking them out.

We've seen numerous postcards and ads for the Los Angeles Alligator Farm, but these two are new to me.

Miss Earline Heath posing with Bill, a 260-year-old alligator circa 1933.

aw..look how cute.

p.s. Nice glamour shots of the fashion show at Lucy's Chuckaluck. :)


ethereal_reality Jun 23, 2013 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Earl Boebert (Post 6173952)
Transocean, AKA Taloa, originated the motto of Air America: "Anything, Anywhere, Anytime." Draw your own conclusions :-)

Thanks for the info. Earl. Wasn't Air America a cover for the CIA, or do I have the wrong airline?

Brock cocktail ring 1937

ethereal_reality Jun 23, 2013 11:38 PM

I've been wondering about that 260 year old alligator. I thought only trees live that long.

Here's the press release.

Wig-Wag Jun 23, 2013 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Earl Boebert (Post 6173952)
Transocean, AKA Taloa, originated the motto of Air America: "Anything, Anywhere, Anytime." Draw your own conclusions :-)



This description from Wikipedia of one flight exemplifies their motto! Of course it was well before the Vietnam war. ;>)

A crew once left Oakland, California for Taiwan in a DC-4 loaded with 12,000 pounds of gunpowder for General Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalist Chinese Army, then ferried the airplane to Hong Kong to pick up a load of Chinese cedar chests and fly them west to Rome, Italy. Within hours of the delivery of the cedar chests, the airplane departed full of Italian seamen bound for New York to rendezvous with an ocean freighter.


tovangar2 Jun 24, 2013 12:50 AM

Arcade Palm
Nathan Masters gifted us with a new photo:

Chuckaluck Jun 24, 2013 1:04 AM

Lilac scented talc?

Time to make momma proud and beautify America!

1959 - The Owl Barbershop - 117 E. 6th Street (Space currently occupied by "Salon Pure")

But could it ever replace LA Imperial? "They do good work!"
(MercedES Theater - Look closely - and Pico House)



ethereal_reality Jun 24, 2013 1:09 AM


Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug (Post 6173714)
An old picture of the City Boy taken in Mexico City.

-You're looking quite dapper in this photograph CBD.

BifRayRock Jun 24, 2013 1:42 AM

Looking to trade in my Reo Flying Cloud with Winslow Felix. 1201 S. Grand Avenue.

Circa 1930

With a little imagination, the building can be transformed into . . . a . . . fortress.

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