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scalziand Oct 13, 2015 5:17 PM

scalziand Dec 1, 2015 7:23 PM

scalziand Dec 9, 2015 8:43 PM

Nothing much going on at the site right now, just your average everyday foundation slab pour.

HomeInMyShoes Dec 10, 2015 4:05 PM

^Lol. That is awesome.

christmas Feb 17, 2016 2:39 PM

The core wall is now going up!
Definitely catching speed.

camdoodlebop Feb 19, 2016 8:15 AM

what happened to all the mock ups of this place?

scalziand Apr 11, 2016 7:26 PM

First two towers now at ground level.

Urbannizer Jul 9, 2016 10:26 PM


Urbannizer Nov 27, 2016 10:39 PM

Urbannizer Nov 27, 2016 10:47 PM

Ongoing lawsuit may bring construction to a halt.

Prosecutors raid home in growing Busan-gate case


Lee Yeong-bok allegedly bribed officials to alter construction guidelines
Nov 18,2016

LCT, a high-rise apartment complex near Haeundae Beach, is under construction on Thursday. Lee Yeong-bok, the developer of LCT, is accused of embezzling 57 billion won (48.55 million dollar) from the project and is suspected of bribing politicians from both sides of the aisle. [NEWSIS]
Prosecutors raided on Thursday the home of a man who organized an exclusive social group whose members included Choi Soon-sil and Lee Yeong-bok, the developer of the controversial Busan high-rise apartment complex who is accused of lobbying incumbent lawmakers.

Although Lee has denied knowing the president’s confidante, Choi Soon-sil, who is mired in corruption allegations, his scandal is drawing ever closer to the so-called Choi-gate scandal.

“They joined at different times but they were part of the same social group,” said the organizer of the group, a man who is surnamed Kim. According to Kim, Lee joined in 2011 and Choi in 2013.

The group’s monthly membership fee is 4 million won ($3,406) and it gathers some 100 million won total per month. Choi reportedly paid her 4 million won in September even as she was in Germany, having fled there after the scandal broke.

Choi is accused of meddling in state affairs, having access to top presidential information and strong-arming conglomerates to pitch in extravagant funds to foundations linked to her and Park.

“We will find out whether Choi exerted her influence in the construction process at LCT, as well,” prosecutors said.

The residential complex at the center of the probe is called LCT, a 2.74 trillion won high-rise apartment complex near Haeundae Beach. The complex gained media attention when a 320 square-meter (382 square-yard) apartment was presold last month for 6.76 billion won, a record price for Busan.

Lee, CEO of Cheongan Construction and LCT’s developer, is accused of accumulating 57 billion won in slush funds and lobbying public officials, including incumbent lawmakers, judges, prosecutors and lawyers.

He was imprisoned from 2001 to 2003 for embezzling funds and lobbying officials in a development project in Busan. He denied having lobbied officials then, too.

Lee was questioned by prosecutors on Nov. 11, after running from authorities for three months. He partly admitted to managing slush funds but denied lobbying officials.

“Prosecutors have not yet confirmed whether Lee lobbied officials with embezzled money,” said Yun Dae-jin, senior prosecutor of the Busan District Prosecutors’ Office.

Allegations that Lee and his associates bribed public officials surfaced as local governments lifted the 60-meter (197-feet) height restriction on structures close to the coast for the LCT; allowed LCT PFV Company, said to be owned and managed by Lee, to make LCT a residential complex, contrary to the city government’s original intention to build a tourism complex in the area; suddenly expanded the LCT’s land area from some 51,000 square meters to some 65,000 square meters; and skipped the mandatory environmental effect evaluation by the city government.

As Lee’s ties to Choi seem increasingly likely, the probe may even latch onto Posco E&C, the construction partner of LCT PFV Company, the developer of LCT. Posco E&C was chosen as LCT’s constructor after China State Construction Engineering Corporation backed out of its agreement with LCT PFV Company, signed in 2013. Lotte, Hyundai and Daelim reportedly turned down offers to work on the project.

Posco is already involved in Choi-gate over allegations that it schemed to hand over shares of its advertising company, Poreka, to Cha Eun-taek, a confidant of Choi and a TV commercials director who is accused of influence-peddling to win high-profile cultural events contracts and budgets.

The LCT scandal has been dubbed “Busan-gate” for its alleged wide-reaching involvement of public officials. The opposition Minjoo Party of Korea’s former leader, Moon Jae-in, is one of those accused of taking bribes from Lee. Moon’s political base is in Busan. Moon denied the allegations.

“I’ve criminally charged those who posted false accusations against me on the LCT corruption scandal,” Moon said in a statement on Thursday. “I will make sure such false propaganda is completely rooted out of Korea’s political scene from now on.”

President Park Geun-hye, mired in a national scandal concerning her and Choi Soon-sil, ordered a thorough investigation into Lee and the allegations on Wednesday.

Her action was largely interpreted as part of a stalling strategy to save her presidency in the face of mounting public pressure to step down.

“It makes me laugh to see the president and the Blue House ordering a thorough investigation when the president herself is mired in a corruption scandal,” said Minjoo Rep. Kim Kyoung-soo. “This is not a time when the president and the Blue House can try to hide behind LCT-gate by blowing up the other scandal.”


scalziand Jan 23, 2017 5:15 AM

Urbannizer Dec 1, 2017 5:56 PM
Sunrise over Busan sand beach by Anek Suwannaphoom, on Flickr

Design-mind Dec 2, 2017 4:05 AM

^^^ wow!

Urbannizer Apr 17, 2018 9:22 PM

This project is currently on hold due to an accident which killed four workers in March.
2018釜山 (318) by joe Huang, on Flickr

2018釜山 (354) by joe Huang, on Flickr

2018釜山 (350) by joe Huang, on Flickr

antoun Sep 9, 2018 1:32 PM



Originally Posted by kimahrikku1 (Post 152019306)

antoun Oct 25, 2018 7:19 AM

nice progress on these beasts'

Hudson11 Sep 13, 2021 10:04 PM

these are dunzo
Haeundae Beach | Busan | KOREA | Mavic 2 pro by Cuong Art, on Flickr

NYguy Sep 15, 2021 12:27 AM


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