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entheosfog Mar 9, 2008 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus1 (Post 3404298)
i love dazey. too cute. is she a cockapoo(cocker spanial and poodle mix)? I grew up with one.

She's actually a westie mix with bichon

Plantboy Mar 10, 2008 4:10 AM


sara13 Mar 14, 2008 4:33 AM
My Cat she's 18 this year.

olga Mar 14, 2008 10:45 AM

^ Ha, that pose is hilarious, with the "arms" hanging. I've never seen my cat lie like that. He's 12, I hope he'll live to 18 or longer!

Ayreonaut Mar 14, 2008 1:49 PM

My cat's 18 but he doesn't look as good as yours. I think he has a tumor on his lip, I don't know how he hangs in there, he's even an outdoor cat.

BamaGrad04 Mar 14, 2008 4:03 PM

Here's Gus, my 13 y/o English Setter. Such a cool dog.

Ayreonaut Mar 14, 2008 5:03 PM

Ha, my dad's dog's name's gus. (hey, three 'ses in a row)

Rico Rommheim Mar 14, 2008 6:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ayreonaut (Post 3416059)
Ha, my dad's dog's name's gus.

Ha! That sounds like a southern person with a speech impediment!

KevinFromTexas Mar 14, 2008 7:30 PM

Man, rockyi. Glad you found Buddy. I can't imagine losing Sophie. She usually never steps outside of my shadow, but I still worry about things like that. We live on a semi busy street. It's an undivided residential street, but since it's one of the more direct streets to the main east/west street in South Austin (in this area), our street does get a bit busy at peak times. At least two dogs have been run over on our street before and a cat was run over last month.

olga Mar 14, 2008 7:43 PM


Originally Posted by Plantboy (Post 3405620)

Now that's a beautiful cat! I love the colors. Reminds me of a cat we had when I was a kid. His name was Mao. :haha:

staff Mar 14, 2008 8:00 PM

Well, mao (not the chairman's name though) means cat in Chinese. ;)

olga Mar 14, 2008 8:07 PM

Really?! Well, our cat was clearly named after the chairman. And also because that's what he said all the time. :)

staff Mar 14, 2008 8:53 PM

I like that name for a cat. Cute. :)

rockyi Mar 15, 2008 3:19 AM


Originally Posted by KevinFromTexas (Post 3416456)
Man, rockyi. Glad you found Buddy. I can't imagine losing Sophie. She usually never steps outside of my shadow, but I still worry about things like that. We live on a semi busy street. It's an undivided residential street, but since it's one of the more direct streets to the main east/west street in South Austin (in this area), our street does get a bit busy at peak times. At least two dogs have been run over on our street before and a cat was run over last month.

Even though it's been almost a year, that day still haunts me. Every once in a while I'll think, "what if we didn't find him?" Being unsure of his fate would have driven me crazy.
It's a good thing I never had human children, I'd be a basket case.

KevinFromTexas Mar 15, 2008 4:44 AM

Yeah, it's funny. Some people say they're just "pets" but I see them pretty much in the same way I do a child, at least in that they're an innocent creature in my care. You don't get that desperation of continuing your genes and protecting them for that like you do with children, but you still have a need to protect them just like a child.

We had a family cat named Putty about 16 years ago that just up and disappeared. He was a huge white cat that would lounge around our yard. I mean he was king of the place. He'd wander over to my grandma's house nextdoor to get petted while they had their coffee on the front porch, and he'd steal a few pieces of kibble here and there. But he was very loyal to us despite being a fairly wild outdoor cat. I mean he actually fought off a raccoon in our driveway once, got hit by a garbage truck (no joke), and was asleep behind the wheel of my dad's truck and got run over then too. My dad had his truck parked in the street next to the curb. Well, Putty was asleep in a pile of leaves next to the curb on the passenger side of course, and my dad never saw him. He actually survived getting run over twice, though the garbage truck broke his hip. Anyway, one winter around Christmas he just disappeared. We drove all around our neighborhood and around South Austin looking for him. I remember my dad saying we drove 100 miles that week looking for him just every day going out to look and looking everywhere. Staring up driveways, yelling his name. We went to the pound looking for him, put up fliers, put an ad in the paper. But then one day we woke up and he was outside in the yard. We think maybe someone had brought him inside. I remember it being cold that winter, so I guess they let him in. He passed away in 1994 from Kidney failure. He was about 13 or 14 I believe.

i_am_hydrogen Mar 15, 2008 6:00 AM

So many adorable photos in this thread. I can feel my endorphin levels rising. I'd get a cat in a heartbeat if I weren't allergic to them. And I love the name Mao.

Aleks Mar 15, 2008 8:13 AM


Originally Posted by olga (Post 3416497)
Now that's a beautiful cat! I love the colors. Reminds me of a cat we had when I was a kid. His name was Mao. :haha:

It reminds me of my old cat named Camilo. One day he never came back and my mom said he ran away but I'm guessing my neighbors killed him and made soup out of him....:(

Ayreonaut Mar 15, 2008 3:58 PM

That's too bad, we had a cat that ran away, but came back 6 months later.

And another of our cats hitched a ride in the back of an ice cream truck, but he was only gone for a couple days.

vcat59 Mar 18, 2008 5:59 PM

Here's my Princess

Thundertubs Mar 19, 2008 2:56 PM

Smudge, 1988-2005
I think this was the last photo taken of him. :(
He was a great cat. Looking a little frazzled in his old age here, though.

My parents got him from a Puerto Rican couple in Paterson, NJ on Christmas Eve when I was 8. He was around until I was 25!

Smudge was an indoor cat, so everytime I came home there he was. The house seems so quiet now. It's amazing how much presence an old sleeping cat on the couch (or in a bookshelf!) has.

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